Commissioning Services
LinearPhysics provides a proprietary method of efficient commissioning along with the utilization of state-of-the-art equipment. No matter how complex the project, we promise to deliver swift and accurate results.
We provide commissioning services tailored to your specific needs. This allows your medical physicists to engage with the commissioning process and continue their clinical duties.
Our ABR board certified physicists offer precise linear accelerator data measurements for all major treatment planning systems within your schedule and budget. We can utilize your scanning system and measuring equipment or provide our own.
We have the flexibility to customize our services based on your needs. We can measure either a full set of data or a partial set of data to validate the vendor’s reference data.
- Shielding Design, Evaluation –Radiation shielding design plans for all types of installations in addition to post-installation shielding survey, based on recommendations of NCRP Report 151.
- Linac Acceptance– Test procedures performed to ensure that the equipment meets the manufacturer’s specifications or Customer Acceptance Procedure (CAP).
- Beam Data Acquisition– Full data collection includes TPS required data with the addition of annual quality assurance baseline scans. Measurements are made with state-of-the-art scanning equipment, and appropriate detectors.
- Data Modeling-Performed according to each vendor’s dose calculation algorithms, including hand calculation verifications.
- TPS Model Validation– Thorough TPS validation is based on recommendations of AAPM’s MPPG 5.a
- TG-51 Absolute Dose Calibration– Calibration performed according to the customer’s specific calibration geometry using both AAPM’s TG-51 and the addendum to TG-51. Exposure of TLDs/OSLDs from RDS/IROC.
- Detailed Commissioning Report and Data Book– Comprehensive data book and commissioning report with complete review and discussion of report with our client upon conclusion of the project.
Additional Commissioning Services
- VMAT commissioning-RapidArc, SmartArc.
- Portal Dosimetry Configuration–Calibration of imager and measurement of patient plans for model validation.
- SRS cone and SBRT MLC small field commissioning-Small field data collection and validation, including end-to-end tests.
- Total Body Irradiation Commissioning–We include CAX output, beam profiles and spoiler correction factor, following the recommendations of AAPM Report #17.
- Total Skin Electron Therapy Commissioning– IWe include relative beam quality, beam profile, x-ray contamination and absorbed dose calibration following the recommendations of AAPM Report #23.
Annual and Monthly Quality Assurance Testing
Linear accelerators require monthly and annual quality assurance testing and calibration by a board certified physicist to meet ACR or state regulatory requirements. LinearPhysics can deliver these services with expertise, efficiency and convenience. Our comprehensive quality assurance testing provides reliance in machine performance and accuracy. Our work is performed by a highly qualified physicist allowing the clinic’s medical physicist to stay focused on their full-time duties. We give a detailed annual QA report, which includes scan data and test summaries. In addition, LinearPhysics can offer a scanning system and any associated measurement equipment.

Our services are based on the recommendations of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine including reports such as:
- Task Group 51 report: Protocol for Clinical Reference Dosimetry of High-energy Photon and Electron beams
- Task Group 106 report: Accelerator Beam Data Commissioning Equipment and Procedures
- Task Group 142 report: Quality assurance of medical accelerators
- MPPG 5.a.: Commissioning and QA of Treatment Planning Dose Calculations —Megavoltage Photon and Electron Beams
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